Principal's Message
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Sr. Shaini Thomas Paruvanani SABS
The school is owned and managed by S.A.B.S. Congregation of Pala Province. It is situated at the heart of Paika, a town with all the pristine qualities of a rural area. It caters to the academic needs of the children of all communities, both boys and girls of Paika and the peripheral areas.
The fundamental aim of the institution is to impart sound learning to children up to the Higher Secondary level and to instil in their hearts staunch faith in God and respect for values. The students are motivated to aim at excellence not only in academic pursuits but also in all aspects of human endeavour and adorn themselves with the hallmarks of a holistic personality. They are encouraged to strive for the best, so that gradually they may take up suitable careers for the betterment of their lives and also be a beacon of hope to the family and to the society at large. The various co-scholastic activities in the school and training given in soft skills equip them with social consciousness and motivate them to reach out to the less gifted fellow-men of the society.
We aim at identifying and nurturing the innate potentialities of every student, transforming them into well-balanced individuals. “Quality Education at Affordable cost has been the watchword of the institution since its inception. By God’s grace, the school has successfully traversed a decade. The management, members of the teaching and non-teaching staff and parent teacher association spare no pains to extend all possible help for the all-round development of the students entrusted to the care of ‘JYOTHI’.
The institution is a standing monument of the far-sightedness and pioneering leadership of Venerable Mar Thomas Kurialacherry, the first bishop of Changanassery diocese and the founder of the Adoration Congregation of sisters. He was a visionary with a zealous devotion to the Eucharistic Jesus and entrusted the sisters of the Adoration Congregation the sublime task of renewing and empowering the society through Educational Apostolate. The S.A.B.S Congregation is faithfully carrying on this mission through thevarious educational institutions founded across the country and other nations. Keeping in tune with the Charism of our congregation, we dedicate ourselves prayerfully to the noble cause of disseminating the light of knowledge. “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but those who hate to be rebuked are stupid” (Prov. 12:1). May God Almighty shower His choicest blessings on all of us.