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No one lights a lamp to put it under a bowl, instead he puts it on the lampstand where it gives light to all in the house
Mathew 5:15
Jyothi Public school Paika was started on 3 rd June 2003, with a view of imparting, knowledge suited to the challenging needs of the times. It is run by the Adoration Sisters of Christ Raj Province Pala.
Jyothi, light is expected to enlighten and inspire the students , and also to enable them to be intellectually advanced , culturally refined and spiritually solid. Each student who joins Jyothi Public School is accepted as a gift of God, and is moulded accordingly. Servent of God Bp. Thomas Kurialacherry, founder of the Adoration Congregation, was a man of vision,and entrusted his sisters with the task of renewing the socity through educational apostolate. This mission is carried on today through school like Jyothi Public School.